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laboratory culture造句

"laboratory culture"是什么意思  
  • laboratory cultures of the rhizobia can fix only under special cultural conditions.
  • < uk > laboratory cultures of the rhizobia can fix only under special cultural conditions . < / uk >
    < uk >实验室培养的根瘤菌只有在特殊培养条件下才能固氮。 < / uk >
  • Twenty years later scientists found that a virus that causes the veterinary disorder newcastle disease shows a preference for infecting tumor cells and began to try to enhance that tendency by growing the viruses for generations in human cancer cells in laboratory culture dishes
  • In the paper , a series of the field investigation , laboratory culture and pot experiments were conducted , to study microbial eco - characteristic and restoration in relation to soil - plant system of red soils reclaimed - mine . the main results were summarized as below : 1 . soil microbes eco - characteristic in lipu copper mining reclaimed soil - endurance plant system were studied comparatively , zhe jiang province
  • Laboratory culture experiment with the same treatments as pot experiment but without plant was carried out synchronously under constant temperature ( 25 ? ? ) and 20 % soil moisture . to study the influence of inhibitors on the dynamic process of transformation and variation of availability of cd in soil , laboratory cultured soil was sampled in certain interval during the 128 - day cultured period for the analysis of cd availability and speciation . in adsorption - desorption experiment , the tested soil had fistly been cultured under constant temperature ( 25 1 ) and 20 % soil moisture for two months after the treatment according to the designed plan , then isothermal adsorption - desorption experiment was proceeded when the reaction between inhibitor and soil tended to be stable
    石灰施用量对植株吸收锅有显著影响,植株各部位锅含量k )与石灰添加量… , )的关系可以很好地用方程y叫( ax斗bx化)描述,石灰对植株锅累积的调控存在一个最佳抑制效应剂量,低于或高于这一剂量均不能达到最佳抑制效果,但对于不同植株部位和不同污染水平,最佳抑制效应剂量不同;低用量下,单位石灰添加量对植株吸收锅的抑制作用比高用量时大,因此若综合考虑调控剂的施用成本及其对生物量的影响效应,则在本试验条件下以施用石灰0
  • With the purpose of better understanding some weak links in this subject , we comprehensively and systematically compared the effects of some typical inhibitors and their different combined ways in inhibiting cd bioavailability in purple soil , further studied the laws and affecting factors of cd ' s transfer and transformation in soil - plant system , revealed the mechanisms inhibitors function , and explored the practicable inhibitor prescriptions and their usage . the results are expected to provide reliable techniques for controlling cd pollution of agricultural soils in chongqing and it is also significant to ameliorate soils polluted by other kinds of heavy metals . comprehensive methods including pot experiment , laboratory culture experiment , kinetic and thermodynamic adsorption - desorption experiment were adopted in this study , and the acidified purple soil was chosen to test , considering that cd is highly active in this soil
  • It's difficult to see laboratory culture in a sentence. 用laboratory culture造句挺难的
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